How Long Does It Take for a Locksmith to Make a New Key?

Find out how long it takes for a locksmith to make a new key and what factors affect this process.

How Long Does It Take for a Locksmith to Make a New Key?

Using the VIN number and proof of ownership of the vehicle, an automotive locksmith can cut a key for your car. When you run out of access to your home or a lock breaks due to an attempted burglary, you should call 3 Guys Locksmith. However, disassembling the lock is a much more complicated procedure for locksmiths, unlike the two previous methods. A professional, licensed locksmith can cut all keys, but some types of keys can't be duplicated for several reasons.

Don't worry, though, as the team at 3 Guys Locksmith can provide you with an emergency locksmith service to help you access the locked safe. The good news is that, in most cases, a master key can be duplicated with the help of an experienced locksmith. Have you ever been in a situation where you need to make a new key but don't know how long it will take? If so, you're not alone. Many people are curious about how long it takes for a locksmith to make a new key.

The answer depends on several factors, such as the type of key and the complexity of the lock. If you're locked in your house without a hidden or spare key to let you in, you may have no choice but to call a locksmith to help you get back in. A locksmith can duplicate several keys by cutting new ones according to the code, printing the lock, and disassembling the lock. But keep in mind that while most locksmiths are highly trained professionals, some are faster than others and some may have more experience with specific types of keys. This will allow the locksmith to obtain accurate and true measurements of the internal parts and pins of the lock cylinder, helping him to fake the correct key with the lock. The cost of programming a car's keys can vary depending on the year, make and model of the vehicle and whether you take it to the dealer or to a local locksmith.

If your car has a keyless entry system (like most of them today), a locksmith usually uses a transponder programming tool to open the car, without having to open the physical lock. In general, it takes an experienced locksmith anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more to make a new key depending on its complexity. For example, if you need a basic key for your home or office door, it will take less time than if you need a complex transponder key for your car. The more complex the key is, the longer it will take for a locksmith to make it. When it comes to making new keys, it's important to remember that not all locksmiths are created equal. Some may be faster than others and some may have more experience with specific types of keys.

It's always best to do your research and find an experienced and reliable locksmith who can provide quality service at an affordable price. Making new keys is not something that should be taken lightly. It's important to find an experienced and reliable locksmith who can provide quality service at an affordable price. With their help, you can rest assured that your new key will be made quickly and accurately.

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