Can a Locksmith Duplicate a Key Without the Original?

Find out if it is possible for an experienced and professional locksmith to duplicate or create a new key from scratch without having access to the original one.

Can a Locksmith Duplicate a Key Without the Original?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to create a duplicate key from scratch even without the original key.


use code cutters to detect the depth of the slots in a lock's code and use this information to make the right key. Therefore, it is important to hire an experienced and professional locksmith for this task. To understand how keys are made and how they can be copied without the original, it is important to know that once a code has been determined, a card can be printed and inserted into a code cutting machine to correctly cut the key. Even if you have lost your key and don't have a backup, you can ask a professional locksmith to replace it. In cases where the locksmith has free access to a cylinder, another way to make a wrench is to disassemble it (very carefully) and then measure the pins or wafers inside it to determine where the cuts should be made in an operating key.

Some vehicle brands allow owners of a vehicle that originally came with two keys to program a third one. Before the locksmith gets started, he'll need to make sure that you're the rightful owner of the vehicle. In addition to basic, laser-cut keys, a locksmith can also program transponder keys usinga programming machine. This will work on many different styles of locks, but the hardest thing you'll have to do is figure out what blank key the lock requires. When you have a blank key, it's easy because you're making a duplicate, so you have the blank piece in front of you and you can copy it.

A new key can be more expensive if you have a new car with an electronic key or other specialized key. When a key is lost, locksmiths still have a few options to help make a new key even though they don't havethe original one. If you have a newer car or the original key was a key fob, you might need to replace a smart key. In addition, a car locksmith may be able to program the replacement key fob if that's the problem. However, you should be aware that not all locksmiths can duplicate or program the key onceit is manufactured. In conclusion, it is possible for an experienced and professional locksmith to duplicate or create a new key from scratch without having access to the original one.

This process requires specialized tools and knowledge of how locks work in order for it to be done correctly.

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